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Think you know music? Test your MusicIQ here! In Lyrics. By Artist. By Album. Listen online. Year: Views Playlists: 1. Notify me of new comments via email. Cancel Report. I know it is about someone dying because of drunk driving but first time I ever heard it I thought it was about a boy who got drunk with his girlfriend and they both hated their lives and decided to jump off a building when still drunk.
The boy survived, only just, but the girl dies. It made me cry first time I ever heard it. Login Register Login with Facebook. All lyrics are property and copyright of their owners. All lyrics provided for educational purposes only. What does Untitled mean?
Login Create Account. Simple Plan : Untitled Meaning. TheEvilOne 1 2 3 4 5. This interpretation has been marked as poor. Shadowspark 1 2 3 4 5. Submit Your Interpretation. Your phone number:. Song name. Your interpretation. Email me when new interpretations are posted for Untitled. Your email address.
Simple Plan Song Meanings. Get a weekly email update We won't give out your email. Never Look Back Warren Zeiders. Slow Down Summer Thomas Rhett.
Damn Strait Scotty McCreery. Love Is Real Morgan Evans. Add Your Thoughts Comments. General Comment it seems this song is of someone who was in an fatal accident and they are young. LittleNemo on November 01, Link. No Replies Log in to reply. There was an error.
I'm glad that someone else sees it this way. General Comment So I don't know if anyone saw the video, but the video highly explains the song at least from SP's point of view. In the video, the lead singer is driving back home in a storm, had way too much to drink, and doesn't see an oncomming car. He subsequently smashes into the car, killing the young driver inside. Despite the girl being brought to the hospital and the personel trying to revive her, they ultimately fail. The song switches between the girl dying and her family noticing nothing.
Near the end of the song, the family is quite literally thrown around and their house is busted up because of the severity of the death; someone within their life died and it in the song's sense tore their lives apart.
All the time the lead singer is singing the song in the position that he killed the girl and has extremely high guilt for what he did. From that perspective, the song is easily identifiable and very powerful, but the idea that it's title Untitled also gives credence to other horible deaths and events make it that much more powerful.
It's that powerful. Good song and great emotion. Greenflame on November 03, Link. General Comment the first time i heard this song, i was crying so hard i couldn't breathe General Comment Every time I listen to this song I get a different meaning.
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